NE Dental Academy Blog

NE Dental Academy Blog

4 Useful Ways to Remember What You Learn During Dental Assistant Training

May 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 4:49 am
a dental hygienist learning how to perform a procedure

If you’re studying to become a dental assistant, you might have a lot on your plate—and whether you’re struggling to find time to read or you fear that you’ll never master all of the skills you need to learn, it might sometimes feel like you’re being overloaded with new information and unable to keep your head above the surface. Here are some useful tips to keep in mind if you’re training to become a dental assistant and need a little extra help keeping track of what you’re studying.

Short, Frequent Study Sessions Are Key

If you have a busy schedule, it might be tough to plan out designated study time—and you may be relying on one giant cram session to get everything sorted out. But shorter study sessions are often less intimidating than those long, all-nighters you might’ve pulled in the past, and for procrastinators, this can be especially useful. It’s also a handy technique for those with shorter attention spans.

Quiz Yourself Over the Fundamentals

It’s normal to not remember everything that you read during a study session, and you might find yourself forgetting certain things a few hours later. Quizzing yourself often can help you to fill in the gaps in your memory, helping you focus your efforts and retain as much information as you can. Consider quizzing yourself over things like oral anatomy, charting symbols, and other fundamentals to see how you’re keeping track of things.

Make Use of Visuals, Rhymes, & Other Tricks

Some people are visual learners, while others respond better to sounds or verbal stimuli. And some people simply need to get in there and try things themselves a few times before they truly begin to understand something. But no matter what type of learning best suits you, it’s worthwhile to try different approaches; flashcards with pictures, repeating things out loud, highlighting notes, or even learning through music and beats are all valid strategies. If you’re unsure about which techniques are best for you, this is also a good way of trying out several.

Use Your Own Terms to Explain Concepts

Memorization is important, but you need to truly understand the concepts you’re dedicating to memory; merely being able to regurgitate the facts for the exam isn’t enough! Specific vocabulary is useful, but when it comes to in-depth lessons, you should strive to be able to explain them in your own terms—practicing with a friend or family member can help you master this.

About the NE Dental Academy

The NE Dental Academy has helped countless people make the transition from aspiring students into successful dental assistants, and they look forward to helping you next! If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to request additional information, feel free to visit our website or contact us by phone at (508) 392-5314.