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NE Dental Academy Blog

The Crucial Role of Hands-On Training for Dental Assistants

September 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 4:27 am
a dental assistant student receiving training

Dental assistants are the unsung heroes of the dental office, working diligently behind the scenes to ensure that everything within the practice is running smoothly—for the dentist and their patients! Their responsibilities include a wide range of tasks, from preparing patients for treatment to managing administrative duties. However, while classroom education provides a solid foundational understanding of dental assisting, hands-on training is undeniably the secret to preparing future dental assistants for the challenges they’ll face in their new careers. Keep reading below to learn more about the importance of hands-on training for dental assistants and how it ultimately contributes to their success in the field.


3 Must-Ask Questions for Your Dental Assisting Instructor

August 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 10:05 pm
a dental assistant and her instructor

Dental assisting is a vital and rewarding profession that plays an integral role in supporting dentists and ensuring that they’re capable of providing the highest quality care to their patients. And if you’re embarking on a journey to become a dental assistant, one of the most influential figures in your education will be your dental assisting instructor—which means you shouldn’t hesitate to ask them questions throughout your training! Here are three must-ask questions to keep in mind when engaging with your dental assisting instructor. 


The Importance of Intraoral Cameras in Dentistry

July 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 2:52 am
an intraoral camera being used

Intraoral cameras have emerged as powerful tools in modern dentistry, completely revolutionizing the way that dental teams can assess oral care, diagnose problems, and carry out treatment. With their ability to capture high-resolution images of the oral cavity combined with a sleek and compact design, they’ve become an invaluable tool for both dentists and patients alike. Here’s some useful information about these devices and their benefits, along with why hands-on experience is invaluable when learning how to operate them during your training as a dental assistant.


3 Helpful Tips for Surviving Your First Day as a Dental Assistant

June 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 3:47 am
a closeup of a dental assistant working

For many dental assistants entering the field, their first day is perhaps one of the most intimidating experiences that they must go through. These first days can be full of surprises, whether it’s something shockingly unexpected or downright hilarious. In any case, knowing a little bit about what to expect can put any doubts you have to rest and allow you to enter your new career with rock-solid confidence. Here are a few important things to keep in mind as you kick off your new career as a dental assistant so that you can conquer your first day in the office!


4 Useful Ways to Remember What You Learn During Dental Assistant Training

May 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 4:49 am
a dental hygienist learning how to perform a procedure

If you’re studying to become a dental assistant, you might have a lot on your plate—and whether you’re struggling to find time to read or you fear that you’ll never master all of the skills you need to learn, it might sometimes feel like you’re being overloaded with new information and unable to keep your head above the surface. Here are some useful tips to keep in mind if you’re training to become a dental assistant and need a little extra help keeping track of what you’re studying.


4 Tips to Help You Succeed in Dental Assisting School

April 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 7:01 am
a dental assistant smiling

Dental assisting school is similar to other types of schooling in the sense that preparation is key—the more you know about what to expect and the more prepared you are, the better off you’ll be! Here at NE Dental Academy, our team wants to help you succeed in your education—which is why we’ve gathered some awesome tips to help you out as you tackle dental assisting school. Here are four things to keep in mind!


The Key Role That Communication Plays in Dental Assisting

March 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 8:18 pm
a dental assistant smiling while assisting a patient

It goes without saying that the impact of a good dental assistant is profound; they’re one of the essential cogs that keep the entire practice running! That said, when it comes to finding success in the dental assistant role, one of the most important skills worth honing is communication. Whether it’s collaborating with a dentist, a hygienist, or a current or future patient, effective communication can vastly boost what a dental assistant is capable of bringing to a practice. Keep reading to learn more.


What to Know About Going from Dental Assistant to Office Manager

February 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 10:31 pm
a dental assistant smiling and holding a clipboard

There aren’t any doubts about the value of a good dental assistant; the work they do is felt virtually all across the practice and is instrumental in providing patients with an exceptional level of care. However, dental office managers are also sometimes realized as unsung heroes of any dental practice; often seen as de facto leaders, they ensure that things keep running smoothly and that the office is operating as intended. But did you know that many dental office managers actually start off as dental assistants? Here’s more about this logical career progression and how it ultimately shapes what any dental practice is truly capable of!


Can I Still Become a Dental Assistant If I’m Squeamish?

January 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 7:41 am
a dental assistant smiling

There are always going to be perks and drawbacks when you choose to pursue a new career, and it pays off to know what your preferences and tolerances are before you commit to a new path! This notion especially holds true if you’re considering becoming a dental assistant; while there are several incredible pros to this career path, you should also consider your preferences and tendencies before choosing it. With that in mind, here’s what you need to know about becoming a dental assistant if you’re particularly squeamish.


7 Basic Dental Instruments You’ll Need to Be Familiar with as a Dental Assistant

December 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — nedentacad @ 8:50 pm
Dental assistant in gloves laying out dental instruments

Anesthetic Syringes, Football Burnishers, and Discoid-Cleoid Carvers are all important, but they aren’t the “standard” dental instruments you’ll come across during routine checkups and cleanings. As with most things, it’s a good idea to start with the basics and build your knowledge from there. With this in mind, keep reading to learn a few dental tools you’ll need to be familiar with as a dental assistant!

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